About Virtual Innovation Academy
Don Tyson School of Innovation
Frequently Asked Questions
Which grades does the Virtual Innovation Academy at Don Tyson School of Innovation (Springdale Public Schools) serve?
The Virtual Innovation Academy serves grades Kinder through 12th.
Does my student have to be enrolled in The Virtual Innovation Academy at Don Tyson School of Innovation (Springdale Public Schools) to participate in the virtual program?
Yes. To enroll your student in The Virtual Innovation Academy at Don Tyson School of Innovation (Springdale Public Schools), please visit the Declaration of Intent to Enroll section of our website.
How do I enroll my student into the Virtual Innovation Academy?
If you’d like more information about the program before enrolling, please complete the form linked below.
Enrollment information request form link
What options does my student have when enrolling in the Virtual Innovation Academy?
This program allows students to enroll in two primary ways:
Full-time: Students in grades K-12 can complete 100 percent of their coursework online.
Blended Enrollment: Students in grades 6-12 can enroll in the Virtual Innovation Academy part-time and take some courses on-site at DTSOI, as space is available.
Other options may be considered/discussed based on the student’s need.
Once my student is enrolled in the Virtual Innovation Academy, can I change my mind?
Once a student has enrolled, students are expected to complete an entire semester to ensure academic consistency.
What is the difference between the Virtual Innovation Academy and Distance Learning/AMI (COVID) that students experienced in spring 2020?
The distance learning or AMI that was carried out in the spring of 2020 was a temporary solution to an unforeseen crisis. The Virtual Innovation Academy was established prior to this event and has a curriculum that is not impacted by changes in the calendar or unforeseen circumstances. It is a vetted, rich, thorough curriculum program taught by full-time virtual educators.
Students enrolling in the Virtual Innovation Academy will have the same academic requirements and expectations as a face-to-face environment but will be required to complete coursework online. Virtual Innovation Academy teachers will serve as facilitators and provide instructional support in this environment but will not deliver all instruction. Students will complete assignments and practice skills using online Learning Management Systems (LMS) developed by district-approved vendors.
Will AP classes be offered to students through the Virtual Innovation Academy?
Students will have access to some AP courses in the full-time virtual program. Due to the approval process of AP College Board coursework, not all of the courses offered in a face-to-face setting will be accessible in a full-time virtual program. VIA students may take an AP course on-site at DTSOI if they choose, while otherwise remaining enrolled as a full virtual learner.
Does the Virtual Innovation Academy have a set schedule or can students study at their own pace?
Students enrolled in the Virtual Innovation Academy can complete coursework whenever and wherever is convenient for them. Students do not have to complete assignments during normal school hours, but they must keep up with the recommended pacing of the program.
Does VIA DTSOI serve students who have IEPs or 504 plans?
Yes, the Virtual Innovation Academy is part of Springdale Public Schools. Students who are served by Individualized Education Plans, dyslexia intervention services and/or 504s can choose virtual options. The IEP and 504 teams determine appropriate services and accommodations and best placement for students. Virtual learning/enrollment is an option, not a requirement.
Will VIA DTSOI issue Chromebooks to students who enroll in the Virtual Innovation Academy?
Yes, all students are provided with a district-owned Chromebook to complete assignments.
Will my student still have to take district and state assessments?
Yes. All assessments for grades K - 5 will be in-person/on-site. They will be completed at the Springdale Schools Admin Annex building at 409 W. Thompson Ave.
All assessments for grades 6 - 12 will be in-person/on-site. They will be completed at the Virtual Innovation Academy at Don Tyson School of Innovation at 2667 Hylton Rd.
Families will be notified at the beginning of the school year regarding the calendar windows for assessments.
Can my 6th - 12th grade student still participate in extracurricular activities (dances, carnivals) at DTSOI?
All DTSOI after-school extra-curricular student activities are open to Virtual Innovation Academy students as long as they meet eligibility requirements.
Can my high school student participate in concurrent enrollment through Northwest Arkansas Community College while attending VIA DTSOI?
Absolutely! Our counseling team can provide more info regarding this option.
What if my student falls behind or is failing classes? Will they have to return to their home school site?
Students who are struggling may be required to attend on-site tutoring sessions at the VIA Learning Lab with their teacher until they are caught up. Students will not automatically be sent back to their homezoned/on-site school, but this is a possibility. The VIA team will work with the student and family to determine best academic placement.