Springdale School District Drive-Through Food Giveaway Distrito Escolar de Springdale Evento de Comida Gratis Click here to sign up: https://bit.ly/3AJDeDZ
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Food Giveaway
Food Giveaway
Don't miss a fantastic concert opportunity, #PhoenixFam! See Dallas Brass, an internationally famous brass quintet, present a concert and perform with the DTSOI Wind Symphony. Buy tickets at - https://soipac.ludus.com/index.php?sections=events
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
dallas brass
Interested in traveling to Europe, #PhoenixFam? Check out how by attending the meeting on Sept. 1st at 6PM.
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
Europe trip
SEPT. 14, 2022 | Mark your calendars for this family friendly event you can't miss! Activities for all ages and information for parents and more! To learn more and to RSVP for this AMAZING event go to https://fb.me/e/dk8kCA4Vk and visit www.sdale.org/rally ! #SpringdaleFamily
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Students in 7th grade Social Studies are having fun learning about latitude, longitude, and coordinates using the National Geographic GIANT map of Asia. Where in the world are you, #PhoenixFam?
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
giant map
giant map
giant map
We started our iTime sessions today, #PhoenixFam! Double the fun could be found in the graphic design lab. Ms. Mitchell's session combined communication and color theory with fun rounds of Hues and Cues while Mr. McClain's session allowed students to check off some service hours as they installed a new pegboard for the lab. Our students gain enrichment and real life skills during iTimes. Make sure to ask your student about their first session!
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
To receive free and reduced meals this year, families must complete an application and qualify. School districts are no longer receiving funding from the federal government that provided free meals to all students. Apply now: https://www.schoolcafe.com/SPRINGDALEPS
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Free and Reduced
Free and Reduced
Cassady Rogers chose to recognize Mr. Utsler as an outstanding educator while at Arkansas Governor’s School over the summer, #PhoenixFam. Today she was able to present him with a certificate of recognition.
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
AR Gov School recognition
The #PhoenixFam Class of 2023 will take photos on Aug. 24 & 25! All seniors have this info from their CCR teacher. Make plans to bring your smiling face!
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
senior pics
The Don Tyson School of Innovation esports program has tied for 10th place nationally with six other schools and has placed 3rd nationally for League of Legends! #SpringdaleFamily
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
event photo
Here’s another great score recognition, #PhoenixFam! We’re so proud of Ezra!
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
It's our first early release Wednesday, #PhoenixFam. Please make sure to remind your students about your plan for pickup or ASP. School is out at 2:30PM today.
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
early release
We have a new face in our #PhoenixFam! Officer Cody Combs is quickly getting to know our students by visiting during lunch and making the rounds. Please give him a warm fam welcome!
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
Cody Combs
We love seeing our kids earn these High Five signs, #PhoenixFam! Congrats on the fantastic score, Lucas!
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
The road connecting DTSOI campus to Don Tyson Parkway will be open Monday morning as we welcome students back. All traffic will enter for pick-up and drop-off from Don Tyson Parkway. There will be no entry from Hylton Road. See you Monday!
over 2 years ago, Don Tyson School of Innovation
DTSOI Traffic
Lunch was on the Music Department today, #PhoenixFam! We are so grateful to have generous and talented staff members in the fam!
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
Quick note, #PhoenixFam! Our New Student Orientation on Wednesday is for our NEW fam only. Returning students will be able to view their schedules in HAC or pick them up on Thursday 12:30-2:30pm. It is not required to pick up schedules before school starts.
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
Please take advantage of this opportunity, #PhoenixFam!
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
Fresh faces of the #PhoenixFam! We’re so excited to have these gifted educators at DTSOI. Today they learned a little about who we are in this family and walked away with some swag!
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation
Current bus routes are incorrect due to a technical error by our third party vendor. The corrected bus routes will be available for viewing on August 4. Please advise anyone and everyone not to look up their bus routes until August 4. If they do before August 4 they will receive incorrect information. Our transportation team is working diligently to correct the error with the vendor. Saludos a todos Ayúdenos a compartir el mensaje a través de nuestra comunidad sobre las nuevas rutas de autobús. Las rutas de autobús actuales son incorrectas debido a un error técnico de nuestro proveedor externo. Las rutas de autobús corregidas estarán disponibles para su visualización el 4 de agosto. Aconseje a todos que no busquen sus rutas de autobús hasta el 4 de agosto. Si lo hacen antes del 4 de agosto, recibirán información incorrecta. Nuestro equipo de transporte está trabajando diligentemente para corregir el error con el proveedor.
over 2 years ago, School of Innovation