Please join Dr. Tara Harshaw, Director of Special Education for Springdale regarding the 2020-2021 School Year for Special Education Families. In English, Spanish and Marshallese

Make sure you're in the know, #PhoenixFam! Check out this newsletter from Mrs. Boortz:
English - https://www.smore.com/nm82q
Spanish - https://www.smore.com/0rh2c

Attention Students:
Those of you planning on taking the ACT exam tomorrow, July 18, 2020, please log in to ACT and check your assigned testing location. IT MAY HAVE CHANGED! Don't miss your chance to test by showing up at the wrong location!

Wear because you care, #PhoenixFam!

Today's Latest Update:

5NEWS Erika Thomas 5NEWS talked with Springdale Schools Superintendent Dr. Jared Cleveland about what decisions are being made as schools prepare for students to return to classes amid a global pandemic.

Our graduation process has moved indoors due to concerns about the weather. Those signed up for an appointment need to park in the south lot and wait to be directed from there.

TOMORROW is the day to pick up Senior Packets! All school property must be turned in and all fees must be paid.

Class of 2020: Pick up your packets July 6th! Your chance to sign up for a graduation appt ends tonight at midnight. Find the form here: https://forms.gle/V9TPEX9vWL6v5rzD7

Here are the plans for Graduation for our Class of 2020:

It's this pretty lady's birthday! Show Mrs. Harrison some birthday love, #PhoenixFam!

We have added K-5th grades to our Virtual Innovation Academy for the 2020-2021 school year! Visit go.sdale.org/viadtsoi for more information.
Providing students with quality education from the safety of home makes Springdale Public Schools #THEChoice.

A fantastic counselor. Our resident fashionista. And simply the best. That's Allawayne.
Happy Retirement to Ms. Hunter! Your #PhoenixFam wishes you all the love, adventure, and good shopping deals you can dream of! We miss you already.

Today's the day! We're so excited to see the Graduation Special today at 4:00PM! #PhoenixFam, please show some love for our #DTSOIamtheClassof2020!

Presenting our Senior Spotlights: #DTSOIamtheClassof2020

Presenting our Senior Spotlights: #DTSOIamtheClassof2020

Presenting our Senior Spotlights: #DTSOIamtheClassof2020

Presenting our Senior Spotlights: #DTSOIamtheClassof2020

Please make plans to watch our #DTSOIamtheClassof2020 in the Graduation Special on Saturday @ 4:00PM. Let's cheer them on, #PhoenixFam!

Presenting our Senior Spotlights: #DTSOIamtheClassof2020