Thank you to #PhoenixFam art student, Joshua Munoz Ardon, for creating a Phoenix themed piece for display. The work is currently featured in the DTSOI West Office.
11 months ago, School of Innovation
Just Serve Club, with a goal to be an influence for good serving in the community, had its first activity at Diaper Collective. Twenty #PhoenixFam student volunteers helped wrap nearly 7800 diapers!
11 months ago, School of Innovation
just serve
just serve
just serve
Springdale students and staff are featured in a free Northwest Arkansas School Art Exhibitions from Feb. 19 through March 2 at the Community Creative Center in Fayetteville! #SpringdaleFamily Learn more here:
11 months ago, Springdale Public Schools
These #PhoenixFam musicians preformed in concert as the best of the best in the state today. Congratulations to our Arkansas All-State Chorus and Band members!
11 months ago, School of Innovation
It is always fun to hear what it’s like to be a DTSOI student from some of our own! Thank you to our student ambassadors for sharing the #PhoenixFam experience with our community during Enrollment Info Night!
11 months ago, School of Innovation
student ambassadors
We're so excited to see prospective new #PhoenixFam members on Thursday! Please plan on entering through the PAC doors.
11 months ago, School of Innovation
Congrats are in order to these #PhoenixFam students for earning all three winners' places in the DAR essay competition: The Stars and Stripes Forever. 8th Grade 3rd Place: Piper Pianalto 8th Grade 2nd Place: Abigail Barlow 8th Grade 1st Place: Lila Johnson Lila Johnson also won at the state level! Ms. Brandi Clifford was also honored as the Marion Chapter American History Teacher Award and Helen Pouch Grant winner!
11 months ago, School of Innovation
#SpringdaleFamily, Due to inclement weather on Monday, February 12 2024, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed. Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo el día Lunes 12 de Febrero de 2024, las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale tendrán un día AMI (enseñanza y aprendizaje remoto). Todos los edificios escolares estarán cerrados. Kon inclement weather ilo, February 12, 2024, aelop Springdale Public School enaj koman raan in AMI (remote teaching im learning) day. Kon men in enaj kilok aelop
11 months ago, Springdale School District
#SpringdaleFamily, Due to inclement weather on Monday, February 12 2024, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed. Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo el día Lunes 12 de Febrero de 2024, las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale tendrán un día AMI (enseñanza y aprendizaje remoto). Todos los edificios escolares estarán cerrados. Kon inclement weather ilo, February 12, 2024, aelop Springdale Public School enaj koman raan in AMI (remote teaching im learning) day. Kon men in enaj kilok aelop
11 months ago, Springdale School District
English AMI
Spanish AMI
Spanish AMI
Due to inclement weather on Monday, February 12 2024, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed.
11 months ago, Aurelian Sennett
Parents and Guardians Springdale Schools now have the option to pivot to AMI (Remote Learning) days when inclement weather occurs during this school year. Please pay close attention to your child’s school’s communications platforms for updates in the event of inclement weather. #SpringdaleFamily Padres y tutores Las escuelas de Springdale ahora tienen la opción de cambiar a los días de AMI (aprendizaje a distancia) cuando se produce mal tiempo durante este año escolar. Por favor, preste mucha atención a las plataformas de comunicación de la escuela de su hijo para obtener actualizaciones en caso de inclemencias del tiempo. Jikuul ko ilo Springdale kio ewor aer jokelet nan AMI (Bok katak ko jen kabijuknen ak moko imweer) elane enaaj nana lañ ilo jikuul iio in. Jouj im kab lukkun lale wot enaan jen jikuul ko ilo ien ko enaaj nana lañ.
11 months ago, Springdale School District
Happy National School Counseling Week to our #PhoenixFam counselor crew!
11 months ago, School of Innovation
counselor week
Add these fantastic #PhoenixFam students to list for Students of the Month!
11 months ago, School of Innovation
of the month
Hours and hours of practice paid off for these #PhoenixFam musicians! Congratulations to our newly named All-State Band and Choir students!
11 months ago, School of Innovation
all state
all state
Congratulations to the DTSOI Jr. High Quiz Bowl team for winning 2nd place and to Roger Coridan for being awarded High Point Scorer in the 7A regional tournament! This #PhoenixFam team goes on to compete at State on February 17th.
11 months ago, School of Innovation
quiz bowl
Don't forget tomorrow is our night for all the future plans, #PhoenixFam!
11 months ago, School of Innovation
course selection night
fafsa night
Andres Diaz has committed to compete in esports for the John Brown University Golden Eagles. The #PhoenixFam is cheering you on, Andres!
11 months ago, School of Innovation
Mark your calendars, #PhoenixFam! The following changes have been made to the academic calendar due to inclement weather days: *Thursday 2/1 has been changed to a STUDENT SCHEDULE B DAY *Friday 2/2 is now a school day *Monday 2/19 is now a school day
12 months ago, School of Innovation
school scheduled
school scheduled
Reminder! Report cards are coming home with students, #PhoenixFam.
12 months ago, School of Innovation
report cards
Weather delays can't keep us from celebrating our latest students and teacher of the month, #PhoenixFam! Congrats, all!
12 months ago, School of Innovation
of the month